Thursday, June 12, 2008

Two Art Teachers

There were two art teachers I had in high school that really influenced me as a person, and as an artist.

In the earlier case, I was about 14, in grade nine, and rushing to finish my math homework at the beginning of art class (which was just before the math class). I was only mildly surprised that my art teacher did not ask me to put it away - after all, I was a dedicated student in his art class, and applied myself to all the assignments given.

But I could not have predicted what he would say next. He told me that good artists needed to be good in math! I could see that to be true, as we strained to get the principles of drawing with perspective. And you know, I never forgot the attitude he had towards me as a budding artist - his confidence in my ability and yes, my integrity. Because I did not try to hide that I was doing the math!

Tune in, I'll talk about the other art teacher in a future post...!